21. The pension committee must, if the pension plan has more than 25 members and beneficiaries referred to in section of the Act, call them to an information session on the methods of payment provided for under that section and on the administration of pensions, held by Retraite Québec on the date and at the place that Retraite Québec indicates. The notice of the session must be given in writing at least 10 days before the date on which the session is to be held.
For plans having 25 or fewer members and beneficiaries thus referred, the committee must inform them that Retraite Québec will hold such an information session if at least 60% of them request such a session at least 35 days before the expiry of the time allotted for members and beneficiaries to inform the committee of their choices and options. If necessary, Retraite Québec must inform the members and beneficiaries at least 10 days before the information session is to be held.
The information session must be held within such time as to allow the members and beneficiaries at least 10 days after the session to inform the pension committee of their choices, exercise their options and to make observations, if any.
The costs relating to the holding of the information session are borne by the pension fund.
O.C. 863-2010, s. 21; O.C. 426-2019, s. 11.